The Science


lion's mane and memory


lion's mane and immune support

Immune support

lion's mane and creativity


lion's mane and neural health

Neural health

lion's mane and skill development

Skill development

How does lion's mane work?

Lion's mane stimulates the production of neural growth factor (NGF)

The positive cognitive effects associated with the brain including creativity, skill development, memory and neural health stem from the impact lion's mane has on NGF. A growing body of literature is supporting this hypothesis, with the latest major development coming out of the University of Queensland:

“Pre-clinical testing found the lion’s mane mushroom had a significant impact on the growth of brain cells and improving memory.

Laboratory tests measured the neurotrophic effects of compounds isolated from lion’ mane (Hericium erinaceus) on cultured brain cells, and surprisingly we found that the active compounds promote neuron projections, extending and connecting to other neurons.

Using super-resolution microscopy, we found the mushroom extract and its active components largely increase the size of growth cones, which are particularly important for brain cells to sense their environment and establish new connections with other neurons in the brain.” - University of Queensland, 2023

how does lion's mane work

What is NGF?

NGF facilitates learning, neural regeneration, adaption, & creativity

NGF is a facilitator of the process known as neuroplasticity, which governs our ability to acquire new skills, recover from nerve injuries, adapt to new environments, and enhance creativity. Whenever you engage in any of these activities, you are actively participating in the neuroplasticity process.

For neuroplasticity to occur, new nerve cells must be generated through a process called neurogenesis, which relies on the production of NGF. NGF plays a crucial role in ensuring the survival of these neurons during the process of neurogenesis and throughout their lifetime. Therefore, the more NGF is produced in your system, the greater your capacity for neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. The result? An increased ability to learn, absorb, and retain new information.

what is NGF?

What does this mean?

Looking to increase your cognitive function? Try following our lion's mane protocol below

Although this is promising preliminary evidence, nothing is for certain until a larger clinical study has been conducted. However, pleasingly this forms a part of a growing body of literature that is supporting the purported health benefits ascribed

To test how lion's mane affects your cognitive function, we have set out a protocol based on the clinical evidence to date below.

Lion's mane coffee

Recommended Protocol

how much lion's mane should I take?
How much should I take?

250 to 350mg

Start with this dosage and slowly increase if needed. However, this should be enough for most people. One serving (10 grams) of the Lion's Mane Blend has 280mg of lion's mane.

How often should I take lion's mane?
How often should I take it?


For best results, take lion's mane daily. That's why we have conveniently infused it directly into your cup, so you won't have to change your morning routine.

when should I take lion's mane?
When should I take it?

Morning to early afternoon

Although the timing is not critical, consider taking this earlier in the day (to ensure the caffeine does not interfere with your sleep). For bonus points, take this just prior to a period of intense focus.

Try it for yourself!

Lion's Mane Blend

Size: 250 grams (~25 servings)
Grind: Whole bean

Curious? Learn More

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