It all started to kick our dependency on coffee

I love coffee. Who in their right mind doesn’t? The taste of it first thing in the morning signifies the start of my day. And, everything was going well until I realised I was starting to become dependent on my morning brew.

We’re not one of those people who think that coffee is the devil. Far from it, we love it. There is a strong list of scientifically backed health benefits to coffee including antioxidants, improved mental performance and cognitive function and lowering the risk of certain diseases.

But we are not delusional, coffee dependency is a real thing.

I found that we’d be working away and we couldn’t stop drinking coffee. I would chain-drink cups and cups of coffee and after a while I would get anxious peaks of alertness, followed by a jittery, unproductive crash. It would destroy my sleep and then the next morning I’d find myself relying on it to bring me back to square one.

Enter, functional mushrooms...

That got me thinking, “there has got to be a better way to get me focused throughout the day”. After many days, weeks and months of research, we found that there is. Functional mushrooms and superfoods.

So, we embarked on a mission to infuse the best coffee we could find with the best locally sourced mushrooms we could find. Our key criteria was that the infusion process could not alter the taste of the coffee. So after countless disasters we developed a patent pending infusion process that does not affect the taste of the coffee at all.

Now that that the product has been created, we wanted we found ourselves questioning more of these mindless rituals and norms that we abide by.

Healthier habits. Healthier minds. Healthier people.

We’re living in a culture that normalises unhealthy habits. “Sleep when you’re dead”. “Hustle culture”. “Rise & grind”. “Rest is for the weak”. Our mission is to enable you to take a road that is more authentic to you - the road less travelled.

“Two roads diverged in the woods, and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that made all the difference.” - Robert Frost

For us, this starts with changing your morning ritual. Will once choice you make change the world? No. But it’ll put you on the right road to create healthier habits.

