The Brew Guide

How to Make French Press Coffee

The French Press is simple and produces a robust and full-bodied coffee. Its straightforward design and immersion brewing process allow for easy control of brewing time and strength, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate a bold cup of coffee.

French Press brew guide

What Do You Need?

4-cup French Press.

42 grams (about 4 tablespoons) of coffee grounds. Use a filter blend, like the Lion's Mane Blend, for this brewing method.

470ml with hot water around 93°C.

Stirring utensil.

Mug or carafe.

Note: if you have a smaller (or, larger) French Press scale appropriately based on a coffee to water ratio of 1:11.

Step #1

Prep & Preheat

Start by heating your water. Bring it to a boil and then let it cool for about 30 seconds to reach the ideal brewing temperature of around 93°C.

Whilst the water is boiling, add the coarsely ground coffee beans to the French Press.

Note: ground coffee should be at a consistency similar to breadcrumbs. For best results, order our whole bean coffee and grind to size. If you are unable to do this, order the filter grind.

How to make French Press coffee

Step #2

Bloom & Brew

Pour hot water over the coffee grounds, saturating them evenly. Fill the French Press about halfway and let it bloom for about 30 seconds.

After the bloom, stir the coffee gently with a wooden or plastic utensil to ensure even saturation of the grounds.

Fill the French Press with hot water leaving about an inch of space from the top. Place the lid on the French Press with the plunger pulled all the way up.

How to make French Press coffee

Step #3

Steep & Serve

Start your timer and let the coffee steep for about 3–4 minutes, depending on your taste preferences. A longer steeping time will result in a stronger brew.

After the steeping time, press down the plunger slowly and steadily. Apply even pressure to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid.

Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your mug or carafe.

French Press brew guide

French Press Essentials

Lion's Mane Blend

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Hario French Press
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